z390 Mainframe Assembler
Coding Contest for Programmers |
Welcome to the z390 Mainframe Assembler Coding Contest.
The primary objective of this contest is to have some fun and
learn more about mainframe assembler. This contest is open to anyone interested in learning about
mainframe assembler and/or sharing their knowledge about
mainframe assembler. You can submit new problems or
solutions to problems already posted that you think are better.
The top ranked solutions are posted on this site along with
the author's name. Below you will find links to all the
coding problems posted to date, plus the top ranked solutions
submitted with source code and generated output.
Solutions can be submitted using a shared macro ZMFACC which
is portable across z390, Hercules MVS 3.8, z/OS, z/VM CMS, and
VSE. More. |
The z390 open source Portable Mainframe Assembler project
encourages all developers working with IBM mainframe systems
to learn High Level mainframe assembler (HLASM for short).
To that end the z390 project is sponsoring the z390 Mainframe Assembler
Coding Contest open to everyone. For a limited time
volunteers are being solicited to serve as members of a 3 member
judges panel to rank submitted solutions The top three
ranked solutions for each posted problem will be listed here along
with the name of the programmer and their institution of choice.
Rankings will be based on the specific requirements such as speed,
storage, or best practices. New problems and new rankings
will be updated as soon as judges have reviewed current pending
Hope you enjoy the contest! All questions and suggestions
Don Higgins, President
Software Tools
Current z390 Mainframe Assembler Coding Contest Problems and
- Swap two 20 byte fields optimized for speed.
Submitted by Don Higgins
University of South
by Rafa Pereira - swaps 2 fields with 2 MVC's
- P1C1.MLC/LOG by Chris
- 3 XC instructions
Don Higgins
University of South Florida - 3 MVC's
Don Higgins
University of South Florida - LM, STM
- Swap general purpose register 0 and 1
without using any other register or storage areas.
Submitted by Don Higgins for
University of South
- P2MD1.MLC/LOG by Mark
Dixon University of
Western Australia - 3 XR'S (could also be XGR)
- Convert memory bytes to hex display
Submitted by Melvyn Maltz
by Melvyn Maltz
- single TROT (CC3 retry added per Michael Poil)
by Lindy Mayfield - loop to convert byte at a time with no table
by David Wilkinson - unpack and TR using 16 byte table for 4
byte parm
- Sort array of full word integers
using fastest execution method.
Submitted by Don Higgins
University of South Florida
by Mats Broberg, Roland Johansson, and Seb Sweden - improved
version of Quicksort using 685 instructions.
by Alfred Nykolya - counts sort using 854 instructions
by David Wilkinson - improved Quicksort using 1057 instructions
by Rafa Pereira - improved Quicksort using 1380 instructions
by Alfred Nykolyn -shell sort sorts 20 elements using 1532 instr.
- P4DSH1.MLC/LOG by Don Higgins
University of South Florida - bubble sort using 2610 instr.
- Convert display hex characters to
binary bytes.
by Mark
Dixon University of
Western Australia
by David Wilkinson - using single TROT with truncated table to
save memory
- P5MM1.MLC/LOG by Melvyn Maltz
- using TR and PACK
- Given a byte, create 8 EBCDIC zero and one characters
displaying the individual bits in the byte.
Submitted by
John R. Erhman
University of Illinois
by Ray Wong - exactly 5 instructions to convert up to 32
- P6BR1.MLC/LOG by Bob
Rutledge - 6 register instruction loop and single store
Peter J. Farley
- 5 instruction loop
- P6PL1.MLC/LOG by
Leite - first solution with 9 instruction loop
- Calculate the result of 311/99 using single precision
hexadecimal floating point and display the result in decimal
scientific notation with the correct number of significant
digits without using CTD conversion macro. Submitted by Don Higgins
University of South Florida
by John Erhman - using AW un-normalized add to align bits
- ?
- ?
- Calculate and display as many significant digits of PI as
possible using extended floating point instructions and display
the result in decimal scientific notation using the CTD and SNAP
macro services.
Submitted by Don Higgins
University of South Florida
by Melvyn Maltz - using
Gregory/Leibniz/Machin arctan series
by Lindy Mayfield - using Rexx solution series with all positive
- ?
- Convert DC PL8'-1234567.90" to DC C"
by Mark
Dixon University of
Western Australia
by Melvyn Maltz - EDMK with $() improved per Benyamin Dissen
- Code instructions required to convert any unsigned
128 bit integer value in even/odd 64 bit general purpose
register pair generated by MLG or MLGR to EBCDIC decimal
display character format using as few basic instructions as
possible and no library services such as z390 CTD.
Note 2**127 has 39 significant digits, extended floating
point only supports 34 significant digits, and packed
decimal only supports 31 significant digits. Please
submit solutions using the
ZMFACC macro for portability across platforms.
Submitted by Don Higgins
University of South Florida
by Mats Broberg at SEB using fewer instr. and single ED (Note
execution of this solution on z390 requires latest z390 v1.3.08h
PTF to fix overflow bug)
- P10DSH1.MLC/LOG by Don Higgins - using about 27 instructions and no loops
- ?
- ?.
Code two routines: one to
add 8 byte opcode mnemonic key and table entry address to a
hash table and another routine to retrieve the address of
opcode table entry given the 8 byte mnemonic as key. To
test the efficiency of the two routines a table of the 856
z390 mnemonic machine instructions and their hex opcodes is
provided in a copybook
here, and a model program using the ZMFACC macro to
build the table and then fetch all the opcodes 100 times is
provided here.
You can run the model program without change to verify it
works in your environment before adding your code. It
executes 689,307 instructions in the z390 environment doing
nothing in the add routine and simply returning the input
key address via LR in the find routine. See the
resulting log file here.
The fastest 3 solutions supporting random access will be
P11DW1.MLC/LOG by David
Wilkinson using TR to convert first byte to 0-26 and hash table
size of 35,393. 952,200 total instructions.
by Werner Rams using linked list to handle duplicates requiring
approximately only 12 * total entries for hash tables. 1876139
total instr.
by Don Higgins using P11FIND1.MLC/LOG to find hash table with no dup keys
(table size found 48011 which has density of < 2% for 856 given
keys). 1041979 total instr.
by Don Higgins using P11FIND2.MLC/LOG to find hash table with
max of 2 duplicate key searches per entry (table size found 3473
which has density of 25% for 856 given keys). This
solution saves 180k storage for 10% increase in instruction
count.). 1181713 total instr.
Calculate the mean and standard deviation for a set of 500000
response times using a precision of .001. Assume each value may
not exceed 1000 seconds- by Tony Matharu.
by Don Higgins using BFP to calc
standard. deviation for (1, 2, 3, 6) = 1,87
by Don Higgins using HFP to calc
standard. deviation for (1, 2, 3, 6) = 1,87
by Don Higgins using DFP to calc
standard. deviation for (1, 2, 3, 6) = 1,87 Note this
solution uses new z390 proto-type millicode for missing SQXTR
Given a decimal number with 2 decimal places representing the
total cost of one or more items and another decimal number representing
the quantify, calculate the unit price with 2 decimal places
rounded half up? Problem was derived from question posted
IBM Mainframe Assembler-List by Ludmila Koganer.
by Steve Comstock -
using 5 packed decimal instructions
by Don Higgins - using 7 DFP decimal floating point instructions
Code a macro assembler program to calculate the value of the
Ackerman function a(4,1) = 65533. The Ackerman function
a(m,n) is a recursively defined function. If
m = 0, then a(m, n) = n+1. If
m > 0 and n = 0, then a(m, n) = a(m-1,1). If
m> 0 and n > 0, then a(m,n) = a(m-1,a(m,n-1)).
Submitted by Don Higgins:
by Martin Ward - using PD instructions to calculate solutions up
to 31digits
by Don Higgins - using recursive macro code only (limited to 32
bit integers)
Given a number of
the form 12345678.1234567, divide it by another number of the
same format, rounding to 7 digits after decimal point using
packed decimal. Submitted by Ludmila Koganer,
by Werner Rams using DP and SRP
by Don Higgins using DP, AP, and CP
an input number 1 to x. Given a bit array of x bits where
x is multiple of 8. (1)
Code a routine to convert the input number into a bit setting in
the bit array. (2) Code a routine to display the "one"
bits as clrresponding decimal numbers. Submitted by Jim
Werner Rams using simpler faster bit table for primes from 3 to
P16DSH1.MLC/LOG by Don
Higgins using SETBIT and TESTBIT macro for primes 3 to 97
Given the source character string DC
transparent space compression routine to create compressed
string and a decompression routine to expand the compressed
string back to original. The wining solution will optimize
speed and size.
P17DW1.MLC/LOG by David
Wilkinson compress and decompress using TRT and CRB for total of
628 instructions.
Werner Rams compresses and decompresses 3 records using CLCL to
find end of duplicate spaces for total of 827 instructions.
Write a benchmark program to calculate
the percent performance improvement to 2 decimal places
when replacing the following loop code:
with the following optimized loop code using the new z10 compare
and branch opcode code CIJNE:
The performance improvement in this case comes from replacing 2
instruction cycles fetching a total of 6 bytes with a single
instruction cycle fetching 6 bytes. You can use whatever
interval timing method is available on your system such as TIME
BIN (requires running standalone). The initial values in R1
must be set to perform enough
iterations to reduce the timing error due to interval timer
precision etc.
To code and unit test solution on z390 you will need the latest version
v1.4.01+ with the new z10 opcode support.
To run the real test, you will need an IBM z10 mainframe and updated HLASM.
solution using new DAT.MLC interval timer display showing time
of day JDBC time-stamp format down to nano-seconds, total
instruction counts, and MIPS. Running z390 v1.4.01a on
Intel 2.1 Duo Core chip, the MIP rates were 8.7 and 7.3 for 15%
reduction in MIP rate but there was also an 8% reduction in
elapsed time in nano-seconds using the z10 compare and branch
loop with BCTR, CIJNE versus the BCTR, LTR, JNZ loop. The
2 instruction loop has lower MIP rate but faster execution time
than the 3 instruction loop.
Write code to find the last non-blank
character in an 80 byte line of text with the fewest
- by Werner Rams using TRTR executing 28 instructions.
Honorable mention also goes to Steve (S.R.K
www.mysrk.com/) for email
suggesting TRTR before Werner submitted complete program the
same day.
Write integer random number
generator and test program to determine the longest sequence
without duplication that it produces for a given seed number.
The longest sequence of non-repeating pseudo-random numbers
- by Werner Rams using published random number reference (runs
for hours)
Code a binary search and test it, by
searching in turn, for all of the elements in a 20 entry
sorted integer array containing the values (1, 3, 7, 9, 13,
18, 19, 20, 25, 27, 30, 31, 32, 40, 41, 45, 47, 50, 65, 80)
plus the following values not in the array: 0, 28, and 99.
Submitted by David Wilkinson.
P21DW1.MLC/LOG - by
David Wilkinson using 1649 instructions
Code fastest instruction sequence to
count bits in an arbitrary string of bytes using currently
available z/Architecture instructions prior to new instruction
coming with z196 which is estimated to be 5 times faster.
P22FS1.MLC/LOG - by
Fritz Schneider using 120 byte block loop with MVC, TR, AL, and
BXLE for total of 194 instructions for 208 character string.
P22GH1.MLC/LOG - by
Glen Herrmannsfeldt using loop with LG, SRLG, NGR, AGR, and BXLE
for total of 630 instructions for 208 character string.
P22MM1.MLC/LOG - by
Melvyn Maltz using single TROO followed by loop with MVC, ASI,
and BXLE for total of 897 instructions for 208 character string.
P22DSH1.MLC/LOG - by
Don Higgins using loop with IC, IC, AR, and BXLE for total of
904 instructions for 208 character string.
Many thanks to David Bond for running
these 4 solutions on a real z10-EC machine with the following
results: 1) Glen Herrmannsfeldt
0.127 microseconds
2) Fritz Schneider 0.254 microseconds
3) Don Higgins 0.452 microseconds
4) Melvyn Maltz 8.102 microseconds
This just proves that pipelining and register versus main
memory instruction and data accesses really do matter for
maximum performance on machines with caches etc.
On 08/06/10 a test version of z390.jar with new POPCNT
instruction was added based on SHARE Presentation on 08/04/10 by
Don Greiner here:
Included with this z390 test version are 3 test programs:
1. TESTINS1.MLC - test assembly of all opcodes
including POPCNT
2. TESTINS4.MLC - regression test POPCNT instruction
(first of z196 opcodes)
3. P22DSH2.MLC/LOG - solution to problem #22 using POPCNT
which executes 282 instructions including support for odd bytes
at start and end. The test files including updated java
sources are here:
Current Problem Category Index |
- Benchmark Timing - 18
- Boolean logic
- Branch logic
- Comparisons
- Compression and de-compression - 17
- Converting Data
- Conversion to display characters - 3, 6, 9, 10
- Conversion of display characters to binary - 5
- Encryption and decryption
- File access methods
- Floating point calculations
- Binary Floating Point (BFP)
- Calculate constants - 12 (pi, e, golden ratio,
- Decimal Floating Point (DFP) -13
- Extreme precision arithmetic
- Hexadecimal Floating Point (HFP)- 7
- Rounding - 13
- Statistics - 8 (Variance, Standard Deviation, Present
Value, Interest rate, etc.)
- Trig functions
- Heuristics
- Integers (32, 64, 128 bit)
- Calculate series: Prime numbers, Harmonic numbers,
Bernoulli Numbers, Fibonacci, Perfect Numbers
- Combinations
- Date math
- Factoring
- Manipulating data structures (add, delete, change, and
find entries in lists, tables, stacks, queues, etc.)
- Merging
- Searching - 11
- Sorting - 4
- String functions - 19
- Swapping - 1, 2
- Packed Decimal - 13, 15
- Random numbers
- Recursive functions - 14
- Totally useless just for fun
How to submit a
new problem
To submit a new problem for the contest, send a brief
description of the problem along with your name and alma mater to
ZMFACC Submit Problem. Remember the problem must be
solvable using less than 100 problem state mainframe assembler
How to submit a
solution to a problem
To submit a solution for a problem attach the program code in
an ASCII text file format and send it along with your name and
optional alma mater to
ZMFACC Submit Solution. All problems must be solvable using
100 or less mainframe problem state instructions. Solutions must be submitted in
the form of a single ASCII text type source program file which can
be assembled, linked, and executed using the latest version of z390 on
Windows or Linux for evaluation by contest judges. Any
z/Architecture problem state instruction omissions or bugs should
be reported via the
z390 RPI Request Form. The 4 best solutions in the
opinion of the
judges (currently me) will be posted on this
contest web page. All solutions submitted will be posted on
the contest group email for discussion by the members.
Originality and timing count! The first 4 different
solutions submitted will be the winners unless different solutions
submitted later are deemed by the judges to warrant ranking in the
top 4. Unless otherwise states, problem goals in order of
importance are execution speed, minimum memory requirements, and
best coding practices.
Download ZMFACC macro for your OS environment
Each solution must use ZMFACC macro calls to define the start
and end of the code, input, and output sections. Click on the link for any of the
ranked solutions already submitted for
examples such as P6RW1.MLC.
The ZMFACC macro is used to isolate the solution code from the
specific operating environment used to assemble, link, and execute
it. The default target operating system environment for the
ZMFACC macro is z390.
The macro now supports the following additional operating system
environments by setting RUNSYS on the first call to ZMFACC as
- Download ZMFACC macro
source generalized version supporting the following
- RUNSYS=390 - default z390 generates
ASCII output on log file via WTO and SNAP.
- RUNSYS=MVS - generates EBCDIC output on SYSPRINT via
- RUNSYS=ZOS - generates EBCDIC output on SYSPRINT
via WTO and SNAP.
- RUNSYS=CMS - generates EBCDIC output via WRTERM and
- RUNSYS=VSE - generate EBCDIC output via WTO and
If the RUNSYS= keyword is not specified on the first ZMFACC
macro call, then the target operating system can be specified
by externally setting global &SYSPARM value via execution
options. For example, using z390 assembler, you can add
options "SYSPARM(RUNSYS=MVS)" and SYSMAC(mvs\maclib) to
override the default 390 option and generate code for
execution on Hercules MVS 3.8 using the
MVS 3.8 macro library.
- For more information on the different operating system
environments for assembler see the following links:
- z390 -
open source Java emulator running under
J2SE for
Windows and Linux
- Hercules -
open source C emulator for Windows and Linux
z/OS - IBM licensed OS for System z (Use RUNSYS=ZOS uses
same code as MVS)
- zVM - IBM licensed OS to run other guest OS's
VSE - IBM licensed Virtual Storage Extended OS (use
tested yet)
z/Linux - IBM licensed Linux OS for System z (Since J2SE
and z390 run on Ubuntu Linux
for Intel PC's, I assume z390 could be run on z/Linux mainframe
but no testing started
yet? Note z390 Java code is aware of Windows versus Linux
environment and makes some changes such as file separator,
system utilities, and system commands, etc.)
Participants should use the ZMFACC macro to
assemble, link, and execute solutions in their own environment before submitting them.
Submitted solutions should then be portable to all the other
environments with the exception of solutions using newer
problem state instructions or addressing modes not currently supported in some
hardware and software environments. If there is
not a customized ZMFACC macro yet for your environment, please
download the current ZMFACC macro,
customize it to detect and run in your environment, and submit it to
ZMFACC Submit Macro along with your name and the target environment
it has been tested on for use by other participants. Thanks!
Join the contest email group for discussion of problems and
This email group is for the use of participants who wish to
discuss problems and solutions. All email posted to this
group is reviewed by moderators to verify it is related to the
contest and is no spam.
Volunteer to help part time as a moderator or judge
Send an email to
ZMFACC Volunteer with your name and what you would like to
volunteer for. Several backup moderators for the email group
would be helpful to check for pending posts and keep the mail
flowing. A few contest solution judges willing to evaluate
the relative merits of submitted solutions would also be helpful.
What's New Update Log
- 08/06/10
P22FS1.MLC/LOG - by
Fritz Schneider using 120 byte block loop with MVC, TR, AL, and
BXLE for total of 194 instructions for 208 character string.
P22GH1.MLC/LOG - by
Glen Herrmannsfeldt using loop with LG, SRLG, NGR, AGR, and BXLE
for total of 630 instructions for 208 character string.
P22MM1.MLC/LOG - by
Melvyn Maltz using single TROO followed by loop with MVC, ASI,
and BXLE for total of 897 instructions for 208 haracter string.
P22DSH1.MLC/LOG - by
Don Higgins using loop with IC, IC, AR, and BXLE for total of
904 instructions for 208 character string.
- 07/30/10
- New problem #22 Code fastest instruction sequence to
count bits in an arbitrary string of bytes using currently
available z/Architecture instructions prior to new instruction
coming with z196 which is estimated to be 5 times faster.
- 09/21/08
by David Wilkinson using TR to convert first byte to 0-26 and
hash table size of 35,393. 952,200 total instructions.
- 08/27/08
by David Wilkinson - using single TROT with truncated table to
save memory
- 08/14/08
- 08/11/08
by David Wilkinson compress and decompress using TRT and CRB for
total of 628 instructions (1st place)
- Problem #21 binary search submitted by David Wilkinson.
- 08/08/08
by David Wilkinson - unpack and TR using 16 byte table for 4
byte parm
by David Wilkinson - improved Quicksort using 1057 instructions
(2nd place)
- 06/09/08
by John Erhman - has been updated to remove work-around for AW
since the latsest z390 PTF v1.4.01f now has support for AW and
all the HFP unnormalized floating point instructions.
- An email quiz question was
posted about the most efficient way to test if the left most bit
in any mask is on. The solution is to shift the mask 1 bit
right and compare it to the selected bits AND'd with mask.
If the selected bits are high then the high bit must be on.
- 04/11/08
- P20WR1 - by Werner
Rams using published random number reference (runs for hours)
- 03/28/08
- by Werner Rams using TRTR executing 28 instructions.
Note honorable mention goes to Steve (S.R.K
www.mysrk.com/) for email
suggesting TRTR before Werner submitted complete program the
same day.
New problem #20 - Write integer random
number generator and test program to determine the longest
sequence without duplication that it produces for a given seed
number. The longest sequence of non-repeating
pseudo-random numbers wins.
- 03/21/08
- solution using new DAT.MLC interval timer display showing time
of day JDBC time-stamp format down to nano-seconds, total
instruction counts, and MIPS. Running z390 v1.4.01a on
Intel 2.1 Duo Core chip, the MIP rates were 8.7 and 7.3 for 15%
reduction in MIP rate but there was also an 8% reduction in
elapsed time in nano-seconds using the z10 compare and branch
loop with BCTR, CIJNE versus the BCTR, LTR, JNZ loop. The
2 instruction loop has lower MIP rate but faster execution time
than the 3 instruction loop.
- Add new problem #19 to find last non-blank character in a
line of text with fewest instructions.
- 03/09/08
- Correct my error on the number of instructions executed
for solution to problem 17 by Werner Rams. The correct
number is 827.
- 03/07/08
by Werner Rams compresses and decompresses 3 records using CLCL
to find end of duplicate characters for total of 827
- Add new problem #18 to calculate performance gain using
new z10 compare and branch instructions.
- 02/23/08
by Werner Rams using simpler faster bit table for primes from 3
to 97
- 02/22/08
by Don Higgins using HFP to calc
standard. deviation for (1, 2, 3, 6) = 1,87
by Don Higgins using DFP to calc
standard. deviation for (1, 2, 3, 6) = 1,87
by Werner Rams using DP and SRP to round 15 digit PD
by Don Higgins using DP, AP, and CP to round 15 digit
by Don Higgins using SETBIT and TESTBIT macro for primes 3 to
- Add new problem #17 to calculate compressing and
decompression routines
- 02/05/08
by Werner Rams using linked list to handle duplicates requiring
approximately only 12 * number of table entries for hash tables. 1876139
total instr.
- 01/31/08
- Correct comments on problem #14 solution by Martin Ward.
The solution supports up to 31 digits.
- Add Current
Problem Category Index thanks to suggestions from several
- 01/29/08
- 01/27/08
- Add new problem #14 to calculate the Ackerman recursive
function a(4,1) = 65533.
- 01/26/08
- Correct problem #13 statement to clarify total cost is
for one or more items and quantify is the total number of items
to be divided into total cost to calculate unit price.
by Don Higgins - using 7 DFP decimal floating point instructions
- 01/25/08
- 01/24/08
- New problem 13 -
Given a decimal number with 2 decimal places representing the
total cost of an item and another decimal number representing
the quantify, calculate the unit price with 2 decimal places
rounded half up? Problem was derived from question posted
IBM Mainframe Assembler-List by Ludmila Koganer. I
believe that using Decimal Floating Point may be the most
straight forward using the fewest instructions, but may not be
the most efficient.
by Don Higgins using P11FIND2.MLC/LOG to find hash table with
max of 2 duplicate key searches per entry (table size found 3473
which has density of 25% for 856 given keys). This
solution saves 180k storage for 10% increase in instruction
- 01/18/08
- 01/14/08
- 01/06/08
by Alfred Nykolya - counts sort using 853 instructions
- 01/01/08
-by Don Higgins - using about 27 instructions and no loops
- New problem #11
- Code hash table add and find routines for fast access by Don
New problem #12 -
Calculate the mean and standard deviation for a set of 500000
response times using a precision of .001. Assume each value may
not exceed 1000 seconds- by Tony Matharu.
- 12/30/07
by Lindy Mayfield - uses loop to convert 4 bytes at a time to
- 12/27/07
by Lindy Mayfield - using Rexx model solution series with all
positive terms which converges to 33 significant digits in 49
iterations. This solution modified for z390 using CTD
library services to display trial values of Pi and the error
from known value. This solution also uses inline macros LX
and STX to simplify loading and storing extended floating point
- New problem #10 - Code instructions required to convert
any unsigned 128 bit integer value in even/odd 64 bit general
purpose register pair generated by MLG or MLGR instruction to
EBCDIC decimal display character format using as few basic
instructions as possible and no library services such as z390
CTD. Note 2**127 has 39 significant digits, extended
floating point only supports 34 significant digits, and packed
decimal only supports 31 significant digits. Please submit
solutions using the ZMFACC
macro for portability across platforms. Submitted by Don Higgins
University of South Florida
by Mats Broberg, Roland Johansson, and SEB Sweden - improved
version of Quicksort using 685 instructions.
- 12/23/07
by Melvyn Maltz - using
Gregory/Leibniz/Machin arctan series with alternating signs
which converges to 33 significant digits in 7 iterations.
This solution modified for z390 using CTD library services to
display trail values of Pi and the error from known value.
- Update ZMFACC macro
to include all 16 floating point register EQU's indicating pairs
by Rafa Pereira - improved qucksort using 1380 instructions
- 12/21/07
- Update ZMFACC macro
at 8 :00 EST to also display RUNSYS=??? at execution
by John Erhman - using AW un-normalized add to align bits (See
addition of alternate path work around for z390 AW
instruction bug (RPI 767) by DSH plus display of intermediate EH
and DH calculated values via CTD for verification.)
- 12/19/07
- Update ZMFACC macro
at 14:00 EST for Chris Langford and Rafa Pereira changes to correct MVS/ZOS
SNAP headings and areas to be dumped, and truncate text lines to
- 12/18/07
New generalized version of ZMFACC for z390, MVS, z/OS, CMS, and
Thanks to Chris Langford for CMS version and Rafa Pereira for
MVS version
Updated again at 5 PM EST as follows:
- Fixes for restrictions using IFOX00 per Rafa Pereira
- Fixes to re-enable SYSPARM override to set environment
externally, fixes for VSE to set base and save area and exit
via EOJ macro call, and change target system keyword name to
RUNSYS= per Chris Langford
- 12/17/07
by Rafa Pereira - quicksort of 20 elements using 1659 instr.
- 12/16/07
- 12/15/07
by Melvyn Maltz - EDMK followed by MVI's for $ and ()
by Alfred Nykolyn -shell sort sorts 20 elements using 1532 instr.
by Rafa Pereira - swap 2 fields with 2 MVC's
- 12/14/07
- P6BR1.MLC/LOG by Bob
Rutledge - 6 register instruction loop and single store
- Mark Dixon added #9 - convert packed decimal to display
characters with $ and credit
- 12/12/07
- 12/11/07
- 12/10/07
- P1C1.MLC/LOG by Chris
- 3 XC instructions
by Melvyn Maltz
- single TROT (CC3 retry added per Michael Poil)